The Algoma Elementary School community is dedicated to promoting a respectful, responsible, and safe school environment through consistent positive connections where teaching and recognizing positive behavior help build stronger and more meaningful relationships.

PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) is a school wide approach for teaching and modeling expected behaviors as well as a process for creating safer and more effective schools.

PBIS is a systems approach to enhancing the capacity of schools to educate all children by developing research-based, school wide, and classroom management and acknowledgement systems.

The process focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students. With PBIS, instructional time is more effectively used for teaching and the overall school environment is calm and conducive to learning.

The Way of the Wolves

I am Respectful

I am Responsible

I am Safe

The Way of the Wolves is the name for our school-wide expectations in which all students are expected to adhere to at Algoma Elementary School. Students will receive on-going instruction from staff on our school-wide expectations in all areas of the school.

The classroom, bathroom, cafeteria, hallways, bus, computer lab, media center, recess/playground and at assemblies are all settings where students will be expected to act in a safe, respectful and responsible manner.

Download the Way of the Wolves PDF

Contact Information

Angie Kinjerski
Elementary School Counselor

(920) 487-7001 ext. 1212